The Project

“Museo per tutti – Accessibile alle persone con disabilità intellettiva” guarantees the right of culture to people with intellective disabilities making museums and places with a historic/cultural or naturalistic interest accessible. The mediums are paths and pedagogical tools that enrich the educational offer, promoting the inclusion culture.

Interior of Palazzo Altemps

What is Museo per tutti

Museo per tutti is a project created in 2015 by the non-profit organisation L’abilità (Milan) in collaboration and supported by Fondazione DeAgostini (Novara) that promotes the social participation of people with intellective disabilities by making the museums, therefore culture, accessible.
Exterior entrance of Villa Necchi Campiglio

Bene FAI per tutti

Based on the results of Museo per Tutti, Bene FAI per tutti is the project realized at the properties of the Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano (FAI). Spread along the entire nation, the properties adhering have particular features from the historical, artistic and naturalistic field.
Interactive table at Casa Noha

Museums Accesibility

The application of the “Right to culture” defined by the UN Convention in 2006 introduces the cultural accessibility, a conception that considers the whole of technologies, strategies and tools that can facilitate the access to products, fields or cultural services to people who have difficulties, or not entirely, in approaching them in its original condition.
3 Accessible guides

The accessible guidebook

The Museo per tutti guidebook is the main tool that lets the visitor with intellective disability enjoy an inclusive experience in a museum or place of culture. With the guidebook the visitor can carry out a visit alone or with a helper (parent, teacher, educator) with no stress and together with other people in the same room.
Opera di Turrell a Villa Panza

Team and method

The approach of Museo per tutti consists in the collaboration and planning of actions of the experts of L’abilità onlus with those institutions adhering to the project.
Exterior of Museum

How to join Museo per tutti

Adhering to Museo per tutti means growing the local cultural offer to the public with intellective disabilities. To join the project you just need to make contacts with the staff through the provided format.


For any information you can contact L’abilità onlus and the staff of Museo per tutti.


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